Cannabis Effects

Effects of Cannabis
It is for or against the prohibition of cannabis effects, it is important to be aware of the facts surrounding the cannabis plant and the consequences of a ban on the use. Since the prohibition of cannabis is the plant in itself, which is a good place to focus the debate. The evident of the fact that cannabis is illegal is due to its alleged effects on human health. Those who insist on the continuation of the cannabis poses of list I (value not accepted medical and with a strong potential for abuse) assert that smoking cannabis produces a wide range of health problems.

The most notable are that cannabis effects contains much more tar in cigarettes, and may lead to health problems that smoking, such as coughing, lung cancer, emphysema, bronchitis and other diseases. While we appreciate a slight correlation with a large consumption of cannabis and the bronchitis in some individuals, there is no correlation all for other conditions. In fact, the largest study that has examined the relationship between lung cancer and consumption of cannabis has discovered that people who had smoked cannabis in reality slightly more low incidence of lung cancer than non-smokers. In addition, for people who smoke cigarettes and cannabis, the rate of lung cancer was significantly shorter than that of that they smoked cigarettes.

That is evidence of cannabis" the cannabis effects, and dozens of studies reviewed by peers have found that the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) contain powerful properties against cancer. That is why that smokers of cannabis have a 62 per cent less risk of cancer of the head and neck. The cannabis effects It has also been stated that cause motivational syndrome, of thought slow and the reduction, contribute to other types of cancers, and lead to more drug use. All of these claims are simply is not true. Nothing indicates that the people who use cannabis experiences strong falls on the motivation of the meritorious efforts, such as physical activity and their careers. If this is the case, how are our past three presidents, the deceased Steve Jobs, the founders of Google, and some of the more intelligent scientists, lawyers and doctors in the world have admitted past consumers of cannabis?

There are many success people who continue to consume cannabis effects instead of alcohol, and most of the sometimes better than his friends consumers of alcohol. It is also obvious that cannabis is significantly slower, and in spite of one of them is on cannabis effects can be a loss of short-term memory and processing speed, these inhibitions stop completely once all the tetrahydrocannabinol is completely metabolized. And as already mentioned above, the cannabis does not contribute to cancers, because it protects them. Finally, the door of liaison theory also is false ( ! Surprise!) . if something gives your truth, is the fact that the cannabis is illegal, and that the exposed persons which are exposed to other illegal drugs. However, people do use cannabis *effects and, then, need to find a "best", as many prohibitionists claim.

Frankly, the consumers of cannabis are fools and do not choose a destructive substance if cannabis was not the work. There is no other "drugs such as cannabis effects. We cannot replace the alcohol, cocaine, tobacco, pharmaceutical products, or any other thing, because these things do damage to the body. Cannabis is the only thing that does not irreparably damage the body, and while some people who are only concerned about their own security and life, most of the people do not seek to get rid of his future in a fast high. If the cannabis is legal, which considerably reduce the load in the application of the law and to reduce the size and power of the prisons. It would draw in thousands of millions of tax revenue and starting the economy. And the irresponsible use could fight with education, not incarceration, as is the case of alcohol and tobacco. The harm of cannabis effects prohibition is simply very high in all fronts, and we must put an end to this madness as soon as possible.

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